Why Us?

Why a Tech Studio?

If you're a small business, non-profit organization or even a larger business you need to be focused on what you do, not on technology.  Technology is a tool.  Rightly deployed, it can give you advantages over your competition, let you do more with less and enable you to be agile.  Poor technology choices, on the other hand, can impact your business and profitability for years.  Here at Hill Tech Studios, we will help you sort through those questions and make a plan.

For many small organizations, there are many questions technology presents. 

  1. What needs should be addressed first?
  2. What CMS should I select for my website?  Or what is a CMS?
  3. How to get started with SEO?
  4. Does my tech guy understand my marketing and branding?
  5. Should I be buying servers or hosting my site remotely?
  6. Does my site need a certificate? 

Many times, these questions are very closely related to the marketing and branding of your organization and ultimately who you are able to reach.  A Tech Studio should help you integrate those two discussions and help one support the other.

Could you use the help of someone with over 35 years of experience to help you sort the questions?  Contact us now and let's get a no-cost evaluation on the schedule.

Best of both worlds...


You want to be in-control of your web presence.  You need the ability to update the event list, change the address or add a map.  You don't want to be waiting on the tech guy/gal to have time to update your site.  We give you a tool that lets you do all those things yourself and we show you how to use it.  If that won't do it, then we're always here to help.  Are you tired of Wordpress, Wix or Drupal yet?  You can do it yourself, but will you?

Professional Artistry

You want it to look professional and represent your brand, not some out of the box cookie cutter that looks and feels like everything else out there.  We deploy award-winning artists, designers and coding experts in their proper roles.  Let the artist create the vibe with 3 variations.  Let the designer cut up the code, make it compliant and look nice on mobile and desktop platforms.  Let the coders add the extra things that make your site speak your brand and solve your problems.

What will it be like?

Our commitment to you...

No Techno-babble:  Translate all that registrar/css/domain who-haa into English, or better yet just do it for me.

Shoot me straight:  Trust.  Understanding why do I need this technology?

Local Feel: We are your hometown Technology Strategist and partner with best of breed providers where needed.  Where “Midwest Nice” is a way of life.

Give me options: ya gotta have options!